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5.2 Advanced Cleaning Variables

Variables used by the above cleaning commands (and in the default value for variable dired-omit-extensions, see Omitting Variables):

Variable: dired-patch-unclean-extensions

This variable specifies the list of extensions of dispensable files created by the ‘patch’ program. The default is (".rej" ".orig").

Variable: dired-tex-unclean-extensions

This variable specifies the list of extensions of dispensable files created by TeX. The default is (".toc" ".log" ".aux").

Variable: dired-texinfo-unclean-extensions

This variable holds the list of extensions of dispensable files created by ‘texinfo’. The default is (".cp" ".cps" ".fn" ".fns" ".ky" ".kys" ".pg" ".pgs" ".tp" ".tps" ".vr" ".vrs")

Variable: dired-latex-unclean-extensions

This variable specifies the list of extensions of dispensable files created by LaTeX. The default is (".idx" ".lof" ".lot" ".glo").

Variable: dired-bibtex-unclean-extensions

This variable specifies the list of extensions of dispensable files created by BibTeX. The default is (".blg" ".bbl").